How to Use Access Codes

What are Access Cards?

Access cards can be used by schools or enterprises to grant access to premium plans on EnglishCentral.  Access cards can be sold through a school’s bookstore or other shop that uses EnglishCentral for English curriculum.   

To order access cards for your school, contact us at

Here’s what our standard access card looks like:


Access cards can also be customized for large schools or institutions.

How to use Access Cards

If you are using a standard EnglishCentral access card visit the URL and enter the code on the screen when prompted.  From a mobile device make sure you enter this URL in your mobile browser, and do not register using the registration flow in the mobile application itself.

 EnglishCentral also offers custom access flow, in which case you should visit the URL on the card provided by your school.  For example:

If you have any questions about EnglishCentral access codes, Contact Support.

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