Level Test Report


The Level Test will assess your English ability across 5 areas:

  • Listening comprehension

  • Grammar & vocabulary

  • Communication

  • Pronunciation

  • Fluency


Your “Overall Score” represents the average of your scores on each of those 5 areas. A consultant who speaks Korean will reach out to you to review your Level Test results and review your recommended study plan.

The score in each area is between  1 to 100 and can be mapped to 7 levels on EnglishCentral: Pre-Beginner, Low Beginner, HIgh Beginner, Low Intermediate, High Intermediate, Low Advanced and High Advanced.


These EnglishCentral levels can be mapped to proficiency levels on international English proficiency tests such as TOEIC, TOEFL, OPIC and IELTS. You can try our mapping tool to see how EnglishCentral levels compare to these other metrics.

Click here to view a sample of a Level Test report.

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