What are Credited Lessons?

If a lesson is canceled or has failed due to the tutor’s circumstance, we issue extra lesson credit as compensation. You can use your extra lesson credits on top of your given credits for the week but you can only schedule one lesson at a time.

When scheduling a lesson using your credited lessons, the message "This lesson will be scheduled with an extra lesson credit" will be displayed.

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A message “Scheduled using an extra credit” on the Live! Lessons page will show to inform you that your lesson has been scheduled with an extra credit.

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If the lesson status on the Live! Lessons page is "Lesson Credited", it means that the credit has already been given back to your account. 
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Otherwise, please contact us if you waited for the tutor during your lesson and provide us the following:

  • Screenshot of your classroom or Skype call history
  • Date and time of the lesson
  • Tutor’s name

We would like to add that when the subscription plan has expired and your account has been downgraded to basic, your credited lessons (or extra lesson credits) will also be forfeited.

For our members with old plans, please contact us if you have questions about your lesson credits.

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