Eligibility for 100% Commit Guarantee

     To be eligible for the 100% Commit Guarantee, you must do your part too and 100% commit to our Platinum program.  That means you must Watch, Learn & Speak a daily  video lesson and take a daily GoLIve! one-to-one online lesson with a tutor.

     If you follow this Platinum program, we guarantee you will Level Up in 3 months.   If you don’t, we will refund 100% of the subscription fees paid to EnglishCentral in that 3 month period.

     The fine print:  here are the exact details on what you need to do be eligible for a 100% Commit:

  1. Subscribe and pay for our Platinum Program;
  2. Complete (on the web or on mobile) the Watch, Learn and Speak modes for at least one video at your level per day.
  3. Take a Golive! one-on-one tutoring lesson 5 days per week and excluding major holidays such as Christmas, New Year’s Day, and Easter. (Yes, that is right, we give you two days off per week!).
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