How do I enroll students in class?

There are three methods on how to enroll students in class:

  1. Registration through class URL.  Creating a class generates a unique URL for that class. You can also copy and share the link with your students. Your students can enroll in the class through your class page.
  2. Register by entering the student's email address from the class.  After creating a class, click the plus (+) sign to add students. You will be able to share the URL with your students by inviting them through email.
  3. Ask EnglishCentral to register your students all at once.  If you have more than 100 students or if you are using EnglishCentral on a large scale (schools or organization), you may request an account creation and class registration from EnglishCentral. At least two weeks before the start of the class/es, school or organization administrators should provide the student information (name, email address, student ID number, password) and class information (teacher name, school name, class name - which student belongs to which class) and our team will set everything up and modify the settings as requested.
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